Autumn’s General Assembly
Autumn’s General Assembly
UKA is over after a month of fjÅs and fun, and hundreds of Ås students are sitting at home wondering what to do next. Do you miss Aud Max and wish you could spend just a few more hours there? Or do you feel your stomach rumbling for a really good pea-soup? Well don't worry, because on the 11th of November, the stage is once again set for the most important day of the semester, Samfunnet’s General Assembly!
Journalist: Hanna Lindeman
Illustrator: Anna Bjørke
Translator: Henrikke Ellewsen
What is the General Assembly (GF)?
GF is organized once every semester, and is the highest organ within Studentsamfunnet i Ås. Here, every member of Samfunnet has the right to vote, and can therefore influence how Studentsamfunnet is to be governed. The representatives for the next term are elected, and the annual accounts and budget for the coming year are endorsed. Matters that have been submitted are processed and adopted, and any amendments are voted on.
Why should I go to GF?
It might sound a bit dry, and the hours can be long if you have nothing to do (knitting, schoolwork or Tuntreets bingo are excellent way), but you mustn't forget how important this day is for us ordinary citizens (members) of the Samfunnet! Finally, we can give our opinions, be it negative or positive. Do you believe something should be done about Rosenhagen? Is Linticket driving you crazy? Or are you perhaps satisfied with the current state of Samfunnet? All votes are equally valuable, and invaluable in being able to operate Samfunnet on the democratic ideals it is founded on. Democracy, almost as old as Western civilization itself, a long tradition that we carry with us today from ancient Greece to the Vikings. Yes, the very pillar of our Samfunnet! (Also, everyone who shows up gets free pea-soup, yum!)
How to run for office
You just read my flaming support for democracy and thought, wow, I really want to contribute to this! Filled with commitment, you log in to Samfunnet's website, and feel a warm feeling spread in your chest at the thought of becoming the next Head of Bodega. It could’ve been in the blink of an eye! You are about to submit your candidature, but discover to your great disappointment that the deadline expired on 4 November. But I say, fear not! Even if you didn't submit anything, it's still entirely possible to volunteer someone, whether it's others or yourself. Volunteering someone is the same as nominating, apart from the fact that you do it during GF, not before. After you have volunteered someone, whether it is yourself or someone else, you get two minutes to make an appeal about why your fellow students should choose you for this position. Then there will be questions coming from the audience to be answered, before the audience votes on the one they think will do the best job. It can be scary to stand for election in front of so many, but it’s important to remember that everyone in the room wishes you well and only want the best for Samfunnet. If it doesn't go as you wanted, you at least gain a lot of new experience, and will therefore do better next time! If you have any questions, you can contact the election committee at
Candidacy for election
The Board of Samfunnet:
Head of Bodega (2 terms)
Head of Marketing (2 terms)
Head of Administration (2 terms)
The Business Comittee at NMBU:
Leader (2 terms)
Head of Sponsorship (2 terms)
Head of Marketing (2 terms)
Editor (2 terms)