Review of Halloween costumes at FjÅse performance
Review of Halloween costumes at FjÅse performance
After almost a whole month filled with concerts and performances, it was time to say goodbye to UKA. On Monday 28 October, UKA organized a Fjåse performance with Halloween as the theme. On this occasion, we in Tuntreet naturally had to take the trip down and see what people were able to mix and trick as a costume. Here we put great emphasis on creativity and empathy in the role.
Journalist: Li Li Than Winn
Translator: S. Faseeha F. Gillani
Photographer: Malene Tangen
Creepy and sexy
Ronald (24)
Purpose: Should be a little grotesque, while also giving a hint of sexy.
Background: Put on a bit more grotesque than normal, when he usually wears black before. Ronald found his costume through three garbage bags filled with reused costumes and threw on a couple of lenses and some blood here and there.
Response by others: More creepy than sexy
Reason: The costume is well put together. It is not a specific character, but Ronald himself who shows off his other side.
White chicks
Thorbjørn (30) and Ben (23), but tonight they are known as Thora Beate and Beatrice (Bea)
Purpose: White chicks, who give us fun and sassy
Background: This duo is inspired by the movie White Chicks and has had the idea for a long time, but realized that there was a Halloween party two days ago. So it was a quick trip to Oslo where two minutes were spent in UFF to find the right style.
Response from others: Has been checked up by several guys.
Reason: Look at them then, they live in their role and carry it out in a funny way.
Darth Maul
Marnix (28)
Purpose: Star Wars, a touch of horror and the dark side
Background: The inspiration is obviously Star Wars, which Marnix is a big fan of. The Anakin Skywalker character was too easy and you only needed a mask for Darth Vader, so to have a little more creative touch he chose to be Darth Maul. His costume is a mixture of horns made with a 3D printer, and he spent 1.5 hours doing his make-up, not only that, but this is the one day of the year he shaves clean.
Response: Is not recognizable when he shows his ID
Reason: Excellent make-up and creative use of swimming cap. The downside is that he doesn't have a lightsaber.
Wanda Vision
Signe (22)
Purpose: To be Wanda Vision from Marvel
Background: Signe's mother had the costume lying around, so it was both completely free and easily accessible. This is something she planned two days ago, so thanks to mom, it became a costume for the party.
Response: The vast majority of people know who she dresses up as.
Reason: Easy to implement, not so much a personal touch, but financially smart.
Jan-Åge (24)
Purpose: "All good guys must have a bad guy"
Background: Jan-Åge has often been called Odlaw from Where is Waldo every time he wears the shirt in everyday life, but the idea of Odlaw for Halloween hit Jan-Åge when he was buying yarn for the tassel.
Response: People have laughed at the moustache
Reason: Good concept.
Great tits
Frida (22) and Emma (21)
Purpose: To be funny
Background: The duo wanted to wear something fun to the party, which turned out to be not just big boobs, but great boobs. Here they have bought garments from the second-hand shop in Ås and sewn them together themselves. In the end, of course, they had to use balloons to get the final result.
Response: Many have motorboated them.
Rationale: A fun couples costume that doesn't require a lot of stash, but was well executed.
Maja Penis
Maja penis (23)
Purpose: Maja penis
Background: The outfit is made up of borrowed garments found in 2 minutes according to Maja. This is a concept that you understand if you have participated in the Nordic national championship.
Response: "You can't go like that"
Reason: Good special touch to the costume, but got very little background story about why exactly Maja Penis, but it was funny and special.
Tinker Bell
John (24)
Purpose: A cute character
Background: Johanne associates herself with Tinker Bell ling and she won Johanne's heart after watching the film Peter Pan. The outfit was bought through the Tise app and was also worn last year. The plan was actually to be a scary Tinker Bell, but it didn't work well when there was both a lack of time and blood.
Response: A cute costume
Rationale: This costume was well thought out and best suited to being cute, which was more in line with her personality.
Ivar (23)
Purpose: To be invisible
Background: The brother had a ghillie costume lying around, so it was both a cheap and decent costume. Nevertheless, this outfit is based on the scene from the American series Blue Mountain state where Thad Castle is one of the two boys who sets fire to a car.
Response: I have received praise for the costume and some struggle to see that it is Ivar who is underneath all this.
Reason: Ivar has managed to be naked and lives into the role with hints of Thad Castle. This was well thought out with background history.