The General Assembly of Samfunnet
The General Assembly of Samfunnet
- Use your influence as a member!
Journalist: Guro Størdal
Translator: Benjamin Alexander Faulkner
What is GF?
GF, short for «Studentsamfunnet i Ås sin Generalforsamling» (or “The General Assembly of Studentsamfunnet in Ås”), is arranged once every semester for the members of Studentsamfunnet. Here, the various organs present reports, budgets and accounts. Discussions and amendments will be taken up, and it is an arena where members can raise and present cases and issues
A digital solution
Due to restrictions related to the pandemic, this semester’s General Assembly will be digital. The members of Samfunnet will get an e-mail with a zoom link, as well as information about how everything will be done. There will also be information about speeches, how to take the word and other formalities.
The case documents can be found at Samfunnet’s web site. This spring, the organs will present their reports and accounts for 2020, various positions are up for election, and there is only one case that has been sent in by the deadline. This is the presentation of the climate accounts Samfunnet was commissioned to make after the General Assembly in the autumn in 2019.
Positions up for election
During this GF there are 17 positions up for election. In the Board of Samfunnet a new leader, event leader and financial leader must be selected. In the Business Committee they must select a new Career Day manager, sponsor manager and event manager. Tuntreet needs an editor, the Election Committee needs two new representatives and a new student representative for the House and Finance Board is to be selected. Also, a brand new UKEboard must be chosen! This includes UKEmanager, revue manager, event manager, serving manager, head of administration, head of marketing and house manager (former sales manager). You can read about what the current representatives think about their positions, and what they are all about, in the previous edition of Tuntreet.
The representatives running for election will present themselves digitally, and those who have submitted their candidacy in advance can already be read about in the candidacy booklet. If you or someone you know would like to run for election, it’s not too late! You can still announce that you would like to run and join the election.
Why participate?
GF gives you the insight of what the different organs do, what kind of plans and visions they have, and an overview of how Samfunnet is run. Through your presence, you can influence which direction Samfunnet should take, express your opinions, demand how things should be run, participate in the voting and perhaps run for election yourself?