Studentenes Hus
Studentenes Hus: The Akropolis of REALTEK?
Many students at REALTEK have felt the diminishing space these last few years. The number of students has grown considerably, without more space being made for them. The building of the pavilion, Studentenes Hus, will make more room for the students.
Journalist: Simen Walbækken Tangen and Tord Kristian F. Andersen
Photographer: Borghild S. Oterholdt and Simen Wallbækken Tangen
Translator: Thea Skamskott
TFs improvements
TF-Fløy I was constructed in the 60s with funds from the Marshall aid and Kelloggs. The intention was that the building could easily serve as a hospital if another war was to break out. As the need for more space appeared, TF has kept growing and today consists of five wings. Fløy I has aged poorly, and went through reconstruction in 2018, with the addition of a cafeteria and renovation of a lot of other rooms. Om paviljongen
Studentenes Hus will be placed between Fløy I and Fløy V (see map in TT06 for reference) and is made up of multiple wings put together. The pavilion will have an area of 600m2, and will contain seats for master’s students, student organization rooms, reading halls and group rooms which have previously been in Fløy I. Outside areas are also being connected to the pavilion, and a number of pathways are being improved.
Construction noise
The project, which was supposed to be done before fall break, has been postponed many times, leading to consequences for the students. Even though Studentenes Hus has been postponed many times, the remodeling of the rooms in Fløy I has started, before the students had new rooms to use. Some of the work in Fløy I was done between October 27th and November 9th and made it difficult to work due to the noise. This led to digital lectures and seminars in Fløy I. Tuntreet has been in contact with students who felt that the information about the renovation was late, and that there were not any alternative locations planned for lectures.
Uncertainty surrounding master seats
For a long while, students in REALTEK have feared that there would not be available master seats when they are going to write their thesis. Tuntreet has spoken to a student who experiences the entire process as messy. They also believe that the students have had little opportunity to influence any part of the moving process. Even though they have been granted master seats for the fall semester, they have not been assigned any seats, and experience that there is a lack of information. After requesting and being shown information about Studentenes Hus, the student was not allowed to disclose this to anyone else. The student has also heard from one of the project members that they work for the employees, not the students.
Distance between employees and students
We spoke with Arnstein Moe, project leader for Studentenes Hus, to clear everything up. A big concern for the students has been how the experienced distance between them and the employees has grown during corona, much due to digital lectures. The fact that there are only students, and no employees, who are moving to the new building enhances this feeling of distance according to the students. Arnstein agrees that this impression is unfortunate, and that the faculty does not want more distance between lecturers and students. Arnstein mentions that he wants as many physical lectures as possible, and that the development of Studentenes Hus hopefully will help with this, as students can stay there in-between lectures.
Academic homes
Tuntreet has received feedback from multiple students concerned about losing their academic homes. To some, it is a feeling of being thrown out, especially as the alternative is not yet built. In Studentenes Hus, the academic home is 105m2 and houses all REALTEK students, instead of the previous individual rooms. The feedback Arnstein has received is positive, as students find it more inclusive, and that the previous academic homes housed the “same old” people, so others could not use the room. When the building is done, Arnstein is sure people will be happier with the new solution. He can also tell us that the usable area (gross area minus outer walls) for students by REALTEK will change from 400m2 to 900m2.
Continuous postponements
When the students were informed about Studentenes Hus in the spring of 2021, they were told it would be ready by September 6th, or the fall break at the latest. Arnstein informs us that many unexpected issues have come up and pushed the project back. When Tuntreet asked earlier this fall about when the pavilion would be finished, the plan was November 5th. “Right now, we hope to be done in the middle of January”, Arnstein confesses.
Decisions regarding drainage by the pavilion has been one of the reasons for the postponements. As the building is going to be standing for more than two years, it is not defined as temporary, and radiators have to be installed instead of panel heaters, also delaying the project. The preparations have begun, and REALTEK has just gotten their commissioning permit for the Students House. The construction will begin starting from Monday November 22nd and there will be some construction traffic, such as from cranes. Arnstein Moe promises on behalf of the faculty that if the pavilion is still not finished by January 20th, those who have been granted master seats will still have a place to sit.
Stand-in before Campus plan East
This is not the first time NMBU has expanded to create more space for the students. The Akropolis building, originally meant as a temporary solution when they were constructed in 2013, still house the Landscape Architecture students eight years later. The plan is that the pavilion will cover REALTEK’s space needs for five years until Campus plan East is in motion, and renovations or new buildings are made for REALTEK.
5 at TF about Studentenes Hus
Are you looking forward to when the building is ready?
How has the construction in Fløy I affected your studying?
What do you think of the common academic home?
Kristina, Building Technology and Architecture, 5th year
Yes, if I am still here for the opening
A little annoying, I have to use the computer labs because of the programs that are only available there
I guess it will be fine
Johan, Industrial economy, 1st Year
This is my first year, so I haven’t noticed any difference
I think it can strengthen the unity
Isak, Geomatics, 3rd year
Looking forward to it being on the way
The construction period in Fløy I has been short, no big problems, and fortunate that it avoids the exam period.
It will be nice to see other students, but at the same time it is nice to work with people in the same field as yourself
Samuel, one-year pre-degree, 1st year
Extremely excited
It has not affected me negatively
I think it can create more unity amongst the different fields
Linnea and Hilde, Environmental physics, 4th year
Have not thought about it
Not a lot, there is one class that had to relocate
Think it can be nice, can be better for unity amongst the fields