
Fundraising at NMBUFundraising at NMBU – Didn’t begging get banned in Ås?

Fundraising at NMBUFundraising at NMBU  – Didn’t begging get banned in  Ås?

Fundraising at NMBUFundraising at NMBU – Didn’t begging get banned in Ås?

After several years of challenging financial conditions and clear signals from the Ministry of Education (KD) about tighter budgets, NMBU must seek additional funding from other sources. In response, NMBU is focusing on fundraising to create room for maneuver during the university’s current restructuring process. But what will fundraising look like, and could it affect the university’s integrity? 

Journalist: Li Li Than Winn
Translator: Bora Gulersen Sezgin
Illustrator: Linnea Santi Moe

The Foundation  

On a Friday morning, Tuntréet meets Kari Kolstad. She holds a position just below the Pro-Rector for Research and works as Acting Director of the Department for Research, Innovation, and External Collaboration (FIE). 

Since NMBU’s leadership decided to invest in fundraising, it has been one of Kolstad’s responsibilities. Her job is to establish a foundation for NMBU’s fundraising efforts. She explains that universities raising funds from private actors is not a new concept, but this is “something different from submitting applications.” The income from fundraising will be more like donations to the university that do not necessarily require something in return. 

Through fundraising, NMBU aims to systematically seek funding from the private sector and individuals by identifying potential donors and analyzing the market. In addition, networks with former students and strategically important projects that appeal to donors will contribute to the initiative. 


So far, two strategic projects have been launched: A Living Oslofjord and Sustainable Aquaculture. NMBU already conducts extensive research related to aquaculture and believes this is an area where significant funding can be secured. Additionally, efforts are underway to develop and expand a website showcasing the Oslofjord and aquaculture projects. With the available capacity, they are also producing promotional films to illustrate why supporting NMBU is worthwhile. One of these films aims to raise funds for the renovation of Aud Max. 

Kolstad explains that this work is demanding: “We do not have the capacity to work any faster than we already do,” she says. She mentions that NMBU is using surplus capacity to work on this, meaning no external staff have been hired to plan and develop the project full-time. At the same time, Kolstad points out that this also fosters a stronger sense of ownership over the project within NMBU: “We must dare to enter new areas and do it our way.”

Kolstad says they are no longer in the initial phase but rather in the middle of the process, where role clarifications are in place. However, she does not foresee any major fundraising events taking place this year. Before that becomes relevant, “friendraising” is needed—building a network of relevant donors and foundations. Trust and engagement must be established before launching full-scale fundraising efforts. 

Nothing New 

NMBU is undergoing a restructuring process, and this year, the university must cut costs by NOK 200 million. This situation makes the university dependent on alternative funding sources as the government turns its back. This is not unique to NMBU; universities and colleges across the country are experiencing financial tightening, making them increasingly reliant on private sector funding. 

In an article in Khrono, Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen, Rector of Østfold University College, states that they have discussed the need for structured fundraising. Several universities share the same vision but refer to it differently. The University of Oslo (UiO) actively seeks more external funding, while NTNU already secures around 50% of its research funding externally. Generally, universities and colleges across Norway engage in some form of fundraising, whether as a specific goal or by strengthening ties with the private sector. 

Given this, it may not be surprising that NMBU is pursuing fundraising. The university needs money quickly, and this is the fastest solution. It is worth noting that significant funds can be raised through fundraising—member organizations of Fundraising Norway collectively raised nearly NOK 50 billion in 2022. However, the term “fundraising” itself raises skepticism in Norway. It is an unconventional concept and is often associated with how fundraising is conducted in the USA and the UK. 

Many worry about how fundraising will impact research and the university’s integrity. Kolstad acknowledges these concerns. Having worked as a researcher herself, she shares these concerns with students and staff. However, she emphasizes that NMBU remains vigilant: “It is not difficult to say no.” Even though NMBU is “desperate” for external funding, she believes the university has competent people who can make decisions in line with its ethical guidelines. 

  • Ethical Guidelines: According to Kolstad, NMBU’s ethical guidelines already provide a solid framework for its fundraising efforts. In an email to Tuntréet, Kolstad outlines the initial ground rules for the project: 

  • Accountability: Honest representation of research results 

  • Integrity: Upholding researchers’ core values 

  • Scientific Honesty: Not withholding unwanted results or methodologies 

  • Academic Freedom: Avoiding pressure from funders 

  • Publishing: Research must be published. A time-limited exclusive usage right for funders may be agreed upon 

  • Transparency: Clarifying uncertainties related to research and results 

  • Independence/Impartiality/Conflicts of Interest: Disclosing any dependencies or potential conflicts of interest 

Additionally, Kolstad mentions in her email that NMBU is moving toward membership in Fundraising Norway. This umbrella organization supports various organizations and institutions engaged in fundraising. Their mission is to improve the regulatory framework for fundraising and promote a positive public perception of it. 

Fundraising Norway aims to ensure that organizations and institutions involved in fundraising are seen as credible and essential actors. By becoming a member, NMBU will also adhere to their guidelines. Regarding the two specific projects mentioned earlier, NMBU will seek advice from the university’s Research Ethics Committee. 

Looking Ahead 

So far, responsibilities have been distributed, and roles have been clarified. In the long run, fundraising may become a permanent part of NMBU’s revenue stream, provided the strategic projects prove promising. Nevertheless, fundraising remains an unconventional approach within the Norwegian university sector. As a result, NMBU will face challenges, but as Pro-Rector for Research Finn A. Weltizen previously stated in Khrono about fundraising: “We have to feel our way forward.”  

Currently, there is a lack of culture and knowledge surrounding fundraising in Norwegian academia. Through its work, NMBU aims to lay the foundation for a valuable toolbox for future fundraising efforts while also fostering a culture of donations to academia.