
Two Ciders with Wilhelm 

Two Ciders with Wilhelm 

Two Ciders with Wilhelm 

This time, as many other times, we meet the interviewee in the Bodega. Or rather, at the ABBA bodega. All around are more or less Kanakas students buzzing. In this environment I will get to know Wilhelm Anthun himself better. At least that was the plan. 

 Journalist: Martin Hansebråten
Photographer: Jørgen Berg Yndestad
Translator: S. Faseeha F. Gillani

Bodegafarar og blæstar   

First, we try to sit at the round table in the corner of the Bodega, a place that has gradually become Wilhelm's second home. Here it was blaring from the newly formed Stentor Association, which at regular intervals breaks out into the most beautiful tones. The music became a bit too much for the deaf journalist, so the interview was moved to a slightly quieter table. Then we could finally have a chat with the boy. 

Wilhelm is a man of many hats. During his student career, he has been, among other things, both leader of AU, leader of Ås Grønne Studenter, chairman of the Student Parliament and leader of Åsblæst’n. But that’s not how it started. Wilhelm started in Ås in 2018. Here he was supposed to study Environmental Physics, get A’s in all subjects and really do well academically. It didn’t work out that way: “I failed all my exams that semester […] That study stuff didn’t work at all. It was a failure in every way.” 

Blæst’n became the reason he is still at Ås. He was tried to be hired in his first semester by Ås legend Eivind Toft, but Wilhelm said, “Maybe eventually, but I’ll have to get my studies in order.” Wilhelm joined the band in his second semester: “It’s too lonely to just sit there and play by myself, so I joined.” He felt right at home in Åsblæst’n. “It was a big difference from my first semester, where I didn’t have anyone. So, I was accepted there as if I were a natural part of the group.” Wilhelm has since become one of the most visible wind musicians, or the “most outgoing,” as he himself says. He wants to be able to involve people in things, just as they did in Blæst’n when he himself joined. 

In his second year, he left Environmental Physics and started studying Ecology instead, which he is now doing his Master's in. Around this time, we had the brilliant idea that we should take a dram in Johannes. This was the end of the interview. Since this had been a somewhat lame interview, we decided that we should pick up the thread later, mostly to talk about something that not all of Ås avis has reported. It wasn't like anything important was going to happen to Wilhelm in the meantime (this is to be considered a breakthrough). 


Behind every strong man stands an even stronger woman, and in this case her name is Julie, also a trombonist in Blæst’n. Like every good love story, Wilhelm and Julie’s relationship began at the tower building. He “forgot a bag at a party,” and it became a very good excuse to meet her. In the tower building, he got his bag, but “I didn’t go afterwards.” Then came corona (not the beer, but the illness). It became a temporary stop when they were forced to go home to quarantine separately. “Right before we left each other, I had Julie visit, where we sat holding hands while we were dreading our departure. Julie was absolutely sure that I should have the conversation about what we were for each other then, but I was too lazy to do so. During a potpourri of movie nights and video calls over Discord, Julie finally got tired of Wilhelm not saying anything, and took matters into her own hands. It was the beginning of a relationship that is thriving today. 

When Julie came up during the interview at Bodegaen, you could see that Wilhelm was thinking about something. He had something else on his mind. At Åsblæstn's anniversary on November 9, Wilhelm proposed to Julie. The journalist was in the kitchen at the time, but sources Tuntréet has chosen to keep anonymous say that she said yes. Now they are engaged. I didn't ask if there will be band music at the wedding, but there's a good chance that it will. 

Prayer songs, oil son and ship owner 

Four days later I took another cider with Wilhelm. Here the plan was to conduct a psychoanalysis of him, but there was not much talk about complexes that do not manifest themselves in print. Wilhelm grew up among mountains and seas and evangelical free churches. Wilhelm comes from an evangelical congregation, where they do not believe in sacramental acts and infant baptism, among other things. He is still a Christian but can assure the journalist that he believes in both evolution and dinosaurs. He says that he has learned a lot from what he knows about organizational work in the congregation: "I have sat on a lot of boards and management at NMBU, but it was there in the congregation's youth work that my involvement began." 

Wilhelm's mother works in the administration at the district psychiatric center. His father is in the oil industry. On a couple of occasions, his father sent him T-shirts in the mail with the text 'Proud oil worker'. "What was stupid was that they were really good T-shirts," laughs Wilhelm. However, there was nothing conflicting beyond that: "My family is not very political." His thoughts on the oil industry have probably become more nuanced due to his background than many of his party colleagues: "We can't go around saying that it's the oil workers who are the problem [...] then we'll never get them on board." For Wilhelm, it's important to point out that it must be possible to be proud of having built the country, but that in the future one must do so in more environmentally friendly industries. 

Wilhelm has many dreams, and he always works to live them. Sometimes it takes a while for him to be spontaneous, but often the spontaneity is the result of desires that have been there for a long time, he says. One of these decisive decisions was to buy a sailboat. The boating life began for Wilhelm after he started working at Pizzabakeren, after he became a student: “Suddenly I was sitting there with quite a lot of money.” It eventually ended with buying a boat. During his studies, Wilhelm has had two different sailboats. He has no concrete plans for sailing. “I’m going to sail. That’s the big plan,” concludes Wilhelm. 

Climate nihilism in an optimistic soul 

Wilhelm has worked a lot for the climate. From political work in MdG, to work to stop the development of Vollskogen as AU leader. He has put in more hours for the environment than most. Perhaps because of the many hours of work against things, he has developed a more nihilistic attitude towards the climate fight. "NMBU students are like the pioneers who are going out there and saving the world. I don't think they are going to save the world, really. The world is going to survive, but it is definitely going to get a lot of work done." 

In a complete turnaround, Wilhelm says: "My big dream is to stop a road project once; find some red-listed moss, which lies in the middle of the route." Nihilism is not entirely in Wilhelm's nature, so he doesn't hold that tone for long. 


 Life after studies 

Wilhelm has had many plans throughout the time the journalist has known him. From sailing to England to buying a small farm on an island in a Vestlandsfjord and becoming a small farmer. Wilhelm has had grand plans throughout, but right now he is embarking on the big challenge of applying for a job as an ecologist: "The vision is that I have to get a job, and I don't know where that job is, but it has to be really fun! I don't know where I'm going, but I know I'm going to have fun." 

"I'm a very homely type. I like being at home. Fortunately, home can move. Right now Ås is home," Wilhelm concluded. The interview was interrupted by a ring. It was Wilhelm's phone. It was Eivind Toft who wanted to strike up a conversation. 

Who is Wilhelm really? 

It is difficult to answer who Wilhelm really is. He is spontaneous, hesitant, nihilistic and optimistic. One thing is certain about Wilhelm. He is a fellow human being like no other. No one is as helpful, well-rounded, and skilled as him. He is a great man to interview, and not least to know. 

He also shares the opinion that "Generally!" 




Dear Wilhelm, 

You are a solid rock in Åsblæst’n, yes, our good rock! You are someone who always stands up and goes above and beyond what is (bearly) necessary. Since you became a member in 2019, you have been a great contributor. You have contributed and given a lot of yourself to our revues, both on and off the stage. In 2023, you were no less than the revue director himself and under your leadership, Åsblæst’n’s revue in the fall of 2023 became the best revue in living memory (without exaggerating too much). If we had done just as well without you at the helm, a big, black and white pandamonium remains. 

You are a jovial, very inclusive towards both new and old fans, understanding, friendly, kind-hearted Westerner who always has a well-reasoned suggestion or input lurking. You are a driving force in the association and a fiery enthusiast. Continue to be you, you have left a big impression on us. You have paraded in student life and we really appreciate having you as a close friend. 

During your years in Åsblæst'n you have probably found sides of yourself you didn't know existed, like the (Norwegian) party lion and show star. Rumor has it that you have found someone in the association yourself! In the trombone row she sat, your chosen one. On stage in Aud.Max. during our very 50th anniversary, you got her hand in exchange for an iced coffee and you got engaged. Talk about a scoop! Langemann would be jealous of that treasure. 

We at Åsblæst’n look forward to spreading joy and musical harmony to anyone who is definitely WILLING to experience its presence, at least an attempt at “Bruremarsj”. Keep surfing your way through life! We look forward to babbling on with you, in and outside the Agrarmetropole. 


It was always exciting to live in a shared flat with Wilhelm, because we never knew what he would come up with: he could come down the stairs with an accordion wearing a skirt or a Jedi cloak, or put a big sailboat in the garden. 

Wilhelm has a care for those he cares about, something you notice especially well when you live with him. He sees the things that you find difficult and always offers help. 

Whether it's a question about how to get air in your bicycle tire or how to find love. 

Even though we could find your socks in the strangest places and there was always a trail of mess behind you, we will miss living with you. 

We will always look back on the good times we had with you, whether it was dinners together, movie nights or general(!) gossiping in the living room late into the night! LONG LIVE TODRICK!  

Greetings from some of those who have been lucky enough to live with Wilhelm; Monika, Marie, Odin (and Julie (who you won't get rid of as a roommate for a while mohahaha)) 

Dear Wilhelm 

You are the type to meet a stranger with a stick in the center of Ås after dark. Even when I had explained how the theft would be carried out, you were just as enthusiastic. I have appreciated that every day that has passed since that August evening2019. 

Disagreements and different perspectives have not diminished our relationship, but rather strengthened our mutual respect. You are my preferred conversation partner for interpersonal matters, but also for social matters. That's because you are wise, no matter how old-fashioned it may be. You see the best in those around you, and yes, you bring out the best in people too. It was a great honor to be present earlier this year when you won the Stuta Prize. Well deserved! 

You are truly good. For a cynic like myself, it can be annoying, but if you hadn't been there for me in the alley by Prašná brána where gang crime almost cost me a finger, I don't know where or what I would be today. 


Thank you so much for everything. My Ås would hardly have existed without you.